Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Things That Irk Me, Things I Appreciate

1. the phrase "Obamacare". don't marginalize legislation based on your fear of "higher taxes" and "out-of-control spending". Obama didn't even write the damn thing, and Congress approved it. also, there are no death panels in the legislation. want less federal spending? get our troops out of the middle east.
2. people who turn without signaling. it takes less than a second to use your blinker and it makes your actions predictable and safe on the road. other drivers and pedestrians need you to do this to keep roads safe.
3. the words "Sarah Palin" "President" and "2012" used in the same sentence. there's no way she'd win (convince me, really) so just let it go. unless the GOP starts focusing their energy on developing a real candidate soon, Obama is going to get re-elected and honestly he's not impressed me enough to re-elect him yet.

1. ComicBookLover iOS app and Mac software. i don't want to read textbooks/news articles all the time. this software is all free and lets me put digital versions of comic books onto my phone.
2. Henry Rollins' article in Vanity Fair -READ IT HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T YET - can we please spend more resources on teaching everyone about science or geography and fewer resources supporting/consuming/not marginalizing Jersey Shore?
3. delayed entry for bad weather. thanks for the extra 2 hours today, OPM!

1 comment:

  1. I'm digging that Vanity Fair article. I will have to check out more of his stuff.

    Stay classy DC!
    G. Schick
